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Spidey Man Gives Us Hope

Spidey Man Gives Us Hope

  • Sophia Sanchez

"Who am I? You sure you want to know?  The story of my life is not for the faint of heart.  If somebody said it was a happy little tale... if somebody told you I was just your average, ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied."  - Peter Parker in Spider Man (2002) When you bring a dog into your home for the first time, the expectation...

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Ginger the Blind and Beautiful Staffy

Ginger the Blind and Beautiful Staffy

  • Sophia Sanchez

Special needs does not mean broken or unloveable.  In fact, a special needs dog is no different than an abled dog when it comes to simply being a dog.  They love just as much, play just as hard and can certainly find their way into some naughtiness that is sure to test the patience of their humans.  Simply put, they are dogs first and foremost. Just ask our good friend,...

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An Intro to Wyatt and Ma

An Intro to Wyatt and Ma

  • Sophia Sanchez

Happy Thursday FuRRiends!  I hope you have been enjoying the Furr-bulous Blog so far!  Already it has been such an enjoyable experience for me to share my insights into being a pit bull advocate, so I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself and talk a little about a weekly feature we’re kicking off that each of you can be a part of! My name is Sophia and I...

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