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Fundación Animal Love:  Our August Rescue Partner

Fundación Animal Love: Our August Rescue Partner

  • Sophia Sanchez

This beautiful boy is Dante.  He was rescued from bleak beginnings; a stray on the streets of Bogotá, Colombia.  He was in rough shape at the time of his rescue and probably would not have survived much longer on his own.  He would eventually find his way into a loving, forever home within the FurRescue Fashions family, finding refuge with our fearless leader’s sister, her husband and two boys.  He...

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Happy Anniversary!  A Look Back to How it All Started!

Happy Anniversary! A Look Back to How it All Started!

  • Sophia Sanchez

It all started with a dream…  Carolina was living in Washington D.C., working full-time as a lawyer and by all outward appearances, was living the dream.  She worked at a fast-paced law firm, was successful, had degrees for days and a professional wardrobe that most women would die for.  She was someone other women envied and aspired to be.  But deep within herself, she was barely keeping it together and...

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Abandoned to Adored

Abandoned to Adored

  • Sophia Sanchez

Awake before the sun even dreams of rising, Judy Obregon has a job to do. In the early morning hours, as darkness slowly lifts its veil from the deafening of night, Echo Lake Park seems a quiet and peaceful place.  But it holds a rather tragic past… Echo Lake Park sits on the outskirts of Fort Worth, Texas.  On the surface it appears an ordinary park like any other; a...

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Survival is Beautiful

Survival is Beautiful

  • Sophia Sanchez

“I won’t let my heart turn into something ugly.  I will show you that surviving can be beautiful.” - Christy Ann Martine There are experiences in our lives, the kind that provide meaning and context, that help shape who we are.  Some of those moments and experiences are incredibly beautiful.... your first kiss, your wedding day.  Others, can be quite tragic.  It is not any one particular moment however, that...

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