A couple of months ago we introduced you to a non-profit organization called Joey’s P.A.W. P.A.W. stands for ‘prosthetics and wheelchairs’ and they help provide this essential equipment to individual families and shelter dogs in need by raising the money needed to cover the cost. Their mission is to relieve the financial burden families often face with special needs dogs, in addition to giving pups in shelters and rescues the best possible chance at finding their forever homes. To date, they have helped nearly 600 animals.
This month they are on a quest to help a cute pitty-mix named Loki.
Loki is a very special boy in need of a front-leg prosthetic after surviving horrific abuse from a previous owner who tried to end his life by forcefully bludgeoning him against a wall. Surprisingly, despite trying to kill Loki, his owner took him to the veterinarian shortly after. Because of the damage from the abuse, Loki, unfortunately, had to have his leg amputated. After losing his leg however, the abuse from his owner continued. He would beat Loki with anything he could find, until one day a good samaritan witnessed the abuse and called on a local, Houston rescue for help. When rescuers stepped in, this man - who’s name is unknown - only agreed to surrender Loki under the agreement that his name would be left out of all accounts of what happened, which subsequently meant no criminal charges either. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, one that would have eventually led to Loki’s death, rescuers agreed.
Loki landed the perfect foster mom; someone who is no stranger to the ugliness that can exist within the human race - Brittany Faske, the human behind the very well known Instagram account, @adoreabullapollo.
Apollo is a famous pup who in 2015 was found roaming the streets of Houston, missing half of his face. Through a kind of will rarely seen in any living creature outside of dogs, Apollo survived unspeakable abuse and neglect. With the help of his mom, Brittany, Apollo became an extraordinary and inspiring advocate across the world for pit bull’s and rescue dogs everywhere. Apollo lost his battle against an autoimmune illness in the early part of 2019, but his legacy and efforts continue on in his physical absence.
It was right around the same time of Apollo’s passing that Loki was in need of an experienced foster home. Still emotionally broken from the loss of Apollo, Brittany was not sure she was ready to bring another dog home. Knowing that Loki needed her however, she found the strength to push past those feelings to give Loki his best chance at the life he deserved. She would help nurse Loki back to health to get him ready for his future forever home. There was no intent to adopt him.
….. But life had other plans….
Brittany also has a female pittie named Karma. She and Apollo had been best friends. In the four years Apollo had been a part of their home, Karma never had any interest in any of the other fosters who would come and go. She didn’t care for others being in her personal space. After Apollo’s passing, Karma felt his absence strongly. She was depressed and needed constant affirmation from her mom. But something about Loki was different. Karma loved him almost instantly. And the day she let Loki cuddle up beside her, Brittany knew. Call it fate, luck or divine intervention by Apollo himself… Loki had arrived at just the right moment to help his family heal. And through the organization that rescued him - Three Little Pitties All Breed Rescue - Loki was officially adopted by his new mom and new pittie sister.
Today Loki is living his best life. The biggest joy in his mom’s life has been seeing him overcome his fear of people to grow into a strong, healthy and playful boy. Because he lost his front leg at such a young age however, his need for a prosthetic is more important than ever. His body has had to compensate for the uneven weight distribution and has caused his other shoulder to deform. His spine has begun to curve when he stands and his front remaining knee is beginning to bow as well. Without a prosthetic to help evenly distribute his body weight, his deformities will worsen with age and could become very painful.
Thankfully Joey’s P.A.W. has stepped in to help cover the cost of the prosthetic Loki needs. But they can’t continue the amazing work they do for animals and their people, without the help of this amazing community. All month long Furr-bulous will be donating a portion of every sale to Joey’s P.A.W. to help Loki get this vital piece of equipment he very much needs. And we’ve also created a very special discount code - JoeysPaw15 - to help you save while you shop for a good cause. Loki and his family thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your love and support.
If you would like to make a direct donation to Joey’s P.A.W. you can do so by visiting their website. And make sure to stay connected with Loki’s progress by following him and his family on Instagram!